Due to its location, Park Košútka is an ideal place for hiking and cycling in Podpoľaní. There are many interesting natural and cultural monuments within a few kilometers.
Poľana – 14 km
There stands a tall, wild Polyana, having trees of enormous shadows, below it a village called Detva, having luxuriant tall sons. One of the most famous Slovak poems by Andrej Sládkovič – Detvan – begins with these words. And that’s exactly how Poľana is. High and wild, unmissable, but calm. It is the largest natural landmark, which rises above the towns of Detva, Hriňová and the scattered estates of the spa. Thirteen million years ago, Poľana was different. It was a massive cone-shaped volcano that was said to reach a kilometer more than it is now. Currently, Poľana is the highest and best-preserved volcano in Central Europe. A base with a diameter of 18 km has been preserved from its gigantic cone. The Poľany caldera is over 400 m high and enclosed by a ridge wall. After the ascent to Zadná Poľana (1,458 m above sea level) and the subsequent transition to the Katruška and Zbojnícky tanec viewpoints, the caldera will be shown to you in its full beauty. From Poľana Hill, you will realize how small Slovakia is, when even a stone’s throw away you can see the Low Tatras and, in good weather, the High Tatras with the majestic Kriváň can be seen in the distance.
The Zadná Poľana National Nature Reserve is mapped with an area of 855 ha as the second largest primeval forest in Slovakia. In the Poľana area, primeval forests have been preserved for a relatively long time. We can find different types of forest habitats here. The average age of the stands ranges from 180 to 230 years, the oldest trees are around 400-450 years old. The glade is rich in the occurrence of various fauna and flora, it is a symbol and a place of activity of the brown bear.
Bystré waterfall – 12 km
On the southern slope of Poľana, at the end of the valley of Bystrý potok, one of the prides of Podpoľania – Vodopád Bystré, or Bystrô in Detvian dialect – is located. The 23-meter-high waterfall is one of the highest and most powerful in the Western Carpathians. The waterfall is a national natural monument and is very accessible. The valley completes an unforgettable experience with its flora and fresh air.
Melichova skala – 12 km
Poľana nám zanechala ako zvyšok svojej búrlivej treťohornej minulosti viaceré „opachy nezvratných skál“, napríklad Melichovu. Niekto si myslí, že je to stuhnuté čelo lávového prúdu, ktorého zvyšok už stihla zožrať erózia. Legenda však hovorí, že je to skamenená „dcéra tejto rodiny“ s nošou na chrbte. „Akoby Detva obrov nemala“ – baba s nošou je vysoká dobrých 15 metrov „a na tých prsiach mohutných“ ponúka plošinku s výhľadom. Kto sa tam vyštverá cez malé skalné okno a „spustí zraky prvé v doliny, čo vidí? Hory zázračnej stíny a prekrásnu slovenskú diaľ“ so Skliarovom pod nohami, s Detvou na juhozápade a hriňovskými lazmi na východe.
Malčekova skala – 10 km
Malčekova skala je akousi vstupnou bránou na Poľanu. Nenápadná, trávou pokrytá skala sa vypína nad Raticovym vrchom. Z vrchu skaly vidíte celé Podpoľanie ako na dlani, laznícke políčka i dobytok pasúci sa na priľahlých pasienkoch.
Kopa – 13 km
Nad Melichovou skalou sa vypína skalná stena Kopa, ktorá bola vymodelovaná mrazovým zvetrávaním. Prírodnou rezerváciou o rozlohe 57 hektárov prechádza severná hranica rozšírenia teplomilných druhov fauny a flóry.
Kaľamárka – 20 km
Južný svah Prednej Poľany ponúka ďalšiu skalnú dominantu – Kaľamárku. Tvoria ju 2 hradby brál, ktoré sú vysoké až 17 m a sú obľúbenou lokalitou horolezcov. Tieto skalné hradby využili ľudia už v mladšej bronzovej dobe, pred 3000 rokmi a z Kaľamárky vytvorili hradisko. Najlepšie viditeľnou stopou po ľuďoch obývajúcich Kaľamárku v dobách dávno minulých je cisterna na vodu na vrchole brál, vysekaná do skaly. Množstvo nálezov tvorili črepy z bronzovej doby a ďalších období, celý vrchol bol doslova posiaty črepinami, našli sa však aj kopije, meče, praslená, ihlice, časti sekier. Najzaujímavejší nález potvrdzujúci prítomnosť Slovanov je obojsečný meč z veľkomoravského obdobia.
Mačinová – 22 km
Mačinová is a nature reserve that represents a typical example of a block site to a scree, which arose on the edge of a lava flow and is characteristic of a territory of volcanic origin. In winter, the flowing water freezes and turns Mačinová into a favorite place for ice climbers.
Dobročský forest – 25 km
The most famous Slovak forest is located 25 km north of the town of Hriňová in the central part of the Veporské vrchy. The territory represents a well-preserved example of the biotope of beech and fir-beech flowering forests. Despite the fact that it is the most widespread type of forest biotope in Slovakia, very few natural examples have been preserved, as this type of forest was and still is intensively managed by forestry. All developmental stages and phases of the Carpathian mixed forest are represented on the territory of the primeval forest.
Černohronská railway and forest open-air museum Vydrovo – 28 km
Čiernohronská železnička, only 28 km from Košútka, is a preserved narrow-gauge forest railway between the villages of Hronec and Čierny Balog. In the period of its greatest expansion, its network, branched into the surrounding forests, had 131.98 km. At present, there is a seasonal tourist operation on 17 km of preserved tracks. It was declared a national cultural monument in 1982. To this day, the 10 km long main line from Hronec to Čierne Balog, a 3 km extension of this line from Hronec to Chvatimech and a 4 km branch from Čierne Balog to Vydrovská dolina are in operation.
A ride in these wooden wagons of the historic forest railway, together with the beautiful countryside and enchanting nature, will allow you to go back in time to places where wood was once mined.
Bátovský boulder – 39 km
The Bátov boulder, which lies on the level of the Hučava, is also called the Witness, because who could better bear witness to the stories that took place in Hrochoťská dolina than him. As the brigands stood on the top of the Shining and clawed far behind them in the middle of the valley, their captain became angry and violently shook a large boulder that towered below him in anger. At that moment, the boulder broke free and rolled down the slope with a tremendous rumble. So says the rumor. Another version says that it is a massive agglomerate block that was loosened by frost weathering in the older Quaternary and collapsed onto the Hučava floodplain in the Hrochotská dolina. The block is 14 m high with a diameter of 8 m. A typical pear-shaped volcanic bomb can be seen among the solidified volcanic material, which indicates that it was still in a semi-liquid state at the time of impact. Over time, life took hold on the boulder, in inhospitable conditions, a pine tree grew there from 1931 to a height of almost nine meters. Unfortunately, the storm blew her away. The natural monument is located right next to the road and the blue tourist sign.